SQL server, Corona virus, Smartworking and the Index of the blog

Hi Guys,
Welcome back!

This time an introduction is needed expecially for my friends who live in different countries than Italy.  Here in Italy Corona Virus is hitting hard but we certainly won't stop!
A thought to those who have lost a loved one or their job.


I must admit that is strange to write a post in the days of the coronavirus.
Today for me and for some other collegues is the first day of smartworking.
All right, I must say, but the change in habits is felt.

Last night I had already prepared everything I needed but today a little anxiety about possible technical problems was definitely in the air!

So there is no time left for any post and for this reason I decided to publish the index of all the posts written during these months.
83 posts have already been published. All posts are written both with the desire to communicate a passion and to convey concepts and practical things that can be useful to most.
First posts were written in italian language then i switched to english.

The index

That's all for today.
See you soon,

Luca Biondi @ SQLServerPerformance blog 2020!

Previous post: SQL Server, the ANSI_WARNINGS option


  1. Grande Luca, per quanto possibile cerchiamo di continuare a fare la vita di sempre. Le limitazioni necessarie sono già tante e non serve aggiungerne di superflue.

    1. Concordo appieno! Le limitazioni sono già tante ma osservandole speriamo di uscirne il più velocemente possibile. Pensiamo positivo ed al momento in cui ne usciremo.. sicuramente anche un pochino rafforzati!


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