SQL Server and the Adaptive Join feature: "Adaptive Join" Vs. "wrong cardinality estimate" and "Uneven data distribution"

Hi Guys,

I hope everything is fine for you! 
It is Christmas and it's time for the wishes!
So Merry Christmas and a happy new year filled of peace, health, love and new projects to start!

I remember that some posts ago we talked about SQL Server 2019, Row Mode Memory Grant Feedback.
On that occasion I presented the latest of the new feature that SQL Server 2019 had introduced.
Today i want to talk to you about another feature, this time introduced by SQL Server 2017.
I will do it because it is important from a performance point of view!
Today infact we will talk about Adaptive join.

Enjoy the reading mate!

Adaptive Join

I know i have already used the image below but i like it because it is very clear for me.
We have already talked during past posts of all the new feature (in green) introduced by SQL Server 2019. 
Today we will talk about Adaptive Join that is a feature part of a family called "Adaptive Query Processing" (or "Adaptive QP") introduced by SQL Server 2017
SQL Server 2019 Intelligent Query Processing


Yes but ...what does the term "adaptive" mean?

The term adaptive means that the execution plan is now able to adapt according to the data it receives as input.
In the case we are talking about in this post it is the JOIN operators that are adaptive.
What has happened so far?
Before SQL Server 2017 this was what happened. 
When a Query is executed with some input data its execution plan is stored in the plan cache.
However, when the same query is run again, the execution plan is retrieved from the cache but may not be optimal if the data is different.
What happens now?
The Adaptive Query Processing feature adds the ability to choose (while executing a statement) which JOIN method is best between a "Hash Join" or a "Nested Loop is better".
The JOIN method is choosen at runtime, deferred until after the first input has been scanned.
A threshold is computed and then used to decide when to switch to a Nested Loops plan. This way your execution plan can then dynamically switch to a better join strategy during execution.  
Not all statements are eligible for the adaptive join!  
For example, it is necessary that the join is eligible to be executed both by an indexed nested loop join and by a physical hash join algorithm-
We will not go into further details today ..


But let me say that this is a great idea!
Plus, from the memory usage point fo view, we will no longer need to store in the plan cache more than one execution plan, only one but adaptive plan will suffice.
Why is this a great idea? What major problems could it solve?
It's a great idea because it tries to solve this two problems:
  • Cardinality estimate
  • Uneven data distribution 

Let's first talk about cardinality estimation.

We have talked several times about cardinality estimation and statistics, for example I highly recommend reading here for all the details:

To summarize quickly:

SQL Server uses statistics to estimate the cardinality. However the cardinality is not computable in exact way where the predicate of a Query containt more than one condition.

Suppose infact to have a Query with this predicate:


I know from the statistics that exist on the GENDER field of the table PERSON that there are <N> rows with GENDER equal to 'M'

I always know from the statistics that there are 'N' rows in our table with the field AGE < 30

But the fact is that the number of rows returned from our query can range from 0 to the minimum between M and N.

Just for example think to the case where all the people with age < 30 have all the gender = 'F'

Yes SQL Server uses a formula to estimate the number of rows returned .... but in fact it is an estimate

And an inaccurate estimate can lead, for example, to the use of a non-optimal JOIN type.

Let's talk now about Uneven data distribution.

Data could have natuarally an uneved distribution. What do i mean?

Let's take an example thinking about the case of sales orders: we have sales orders with many rows and sales orders with just a few rows.

Let's assume that the first time the query is run we are in the case where we have a few rows. A nested loop operator will likely be chosen in the execution plan.

The exection plan is now cached in the plan cache.

The next time the query is run we are instead in the case where we have many rows. This time the nested loop join is not the optimal choice! In this case we have a performance problem!

The same happens in the opposite case.

Yes, there are solutions that allow you to limit the problem but do not solve it at the root.

The adaptive queries should solve these two problems!

Our first Adaptive Join

Let's see how a Query is performed with the Adaptive Join feature.

We have a master table with a clustered index on the ID field and a non clustered index con the PRICE field:

Then we have a detail table with only a clustered index on the ID field:


Now let's execute the Query below:

T.PRICE <= 5 AND T.ID > 1000000

Let's look at the execution plan.

Ok! we are using the new Adaptive Join operator!

Adaptive join

Note that an adaptive Join has 3 inputs (and not only 2 like all the other operators).

If a statement is eligible to use the Adative Join the related property "is Adaptive" is set to True:

Also a calculated Threshold value is displayed:
Adaptive join Threshold



For these examples we will run same query with and without the Adaptive Join feature.

To disable the feature we are testing, instead of changing the compatibility level we will use the following option:


First (important) example

I call this example "Adaptive Join Vs. Wrong cardinality estimate"

Suppose we have the following query:

t.Id >= 1000102 AND -- 8.183
(t.Price > 5 or t.Price = 2) -- 18.141

In this simple master-detail Query, the master Query (AdativeJoinSampleMaster) have: 

  • a clustered index Index on the Id field 
  • a non clustered index on the Price Field.

The predicate contain more than one condition with both OR and AND operators.

There are 8.183 rows with T.Id greater or equal than 1000102 and 18.141 rows with t.price greater than 5 or price equal to 2.

Now, SQL Server does its best to calculate cardinality. It needs to know how many rows are extracted by this operation in order to choose which operatore use for the JOIN operations.

Basically if there are only a few rows to join, it is better to use a nested loop join. While if we have many rows the best type of join could be a Hash join or a Merge Join.

A nested loop will have poor performance with many rows to process. A hash join will be slower than a nested loop if the rows are few.

But let's get back to us.

We talked about how the optimizer calculate cardinality here

In our case, using its formulas, the optimizer estimates that 5687 rows will be extracted

Instead only one row is extracted!

If now we take a look to the execution plan we can see that a Hash Match operator is used

Let's now execute the same Query with the adaptive Join feature enabled:

t.Id >= 1000102 AND -- 8.183
(t.Price > 5 or t.Price = 2) --18.141


If we now execute this statement again we have that the adaptive join knows that the number of input rows is equal to 1!

Looking at the Adaptive Join property we can clearly see that a nested loop join has been chosen.

This is because we have only one row, while if we had more than 147 rows the hash match type of join would have been used.

Good very very good! Avoiding an incorrect cardinality estimate is one way to go fast!

Second (important) example

Which i call "Adaptive Join Vs. Uneven data distribution"

A tipical example are sales order where There are orders with few rows and orders with many rows. In this case the data are unevenly distributed!

but ... let's see our example...

We have the following master-detail Query with a parameter

DECLARE @Price int = 3;  

FROM AdaptiveJoinSampleMaster t
JOIN AdaptiveJoinSampleDetail d ON d.IdAdaptiveJoinSampleMaster = t.id
(t.Price = @Price)

We can see that an hash join is used:

If now we will try changing the value of the parameter @id  choosing a value so no data is extracted..

DECLARE @Price int = 169700452;  

FROM AdaptiveJoinSampleMaster t
JOIN AdaptiveJoinSampleDetail d ON d.IdAdaptiveJoinSampleMaster = t.id
(t.Price = @Price)

The join type remains a hash join even if only 2 rows are extracted

A Nested loop would have been more correct!

Without parameters the right join type would have been chosen, however, two different execution plans would have been generated.


Now let's try what happens by letting SQL Server use the Adaptive JOIN feature.

This time we will not use the parameters.

FROM AdaptiveJoinSampleMaster t
JOIN AdaptiveJoinSampleDetail d ON d.IdAdaptiveJoinSampleMaster = t.id
(t.Price = 3)

If we execute the Query we will see that Adaptive Join in used.

A Hash match Join is choosen. (he have more than 20k rows in the master table)

If now i change the value of the price..

FROM AdaptiveJoinSampleMaster t
JOIN AdaptiveJoinSampleDetail d ON d.IdAdaptiveJoinSampleMaster = t.id
(t.Price = 169700452)

The Query will return only 2 rows.

A nested loop is choosen.

That's all for today!
Stay tunder for the next post!




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