SQL Server, botnet and Cryptomining... is your SQL SERVER safe?

Hi Guys,
Welcome back!

Today we talk about security!
Lately infact also SQL Server is used to execute malware and so
exploiting their compute power to mine cryptocurrency!
Are you ready to know if your SQL Server is safe?


Yeah, this time attackers have sniffed the businnes: use Server in order to mine cryptocurrency such as Vollar and Monero!
But How they do it?

Anatomy of an attack!

How they do it?

Usually attackers gain the access to the targeted SQL Server databases by brute force method.
(And so use wear password for the system administrator user is not a good idea...)
Once attackers achieved the access with the sa user they apply changes to the database in order to allow command execution.
Then simply download malware binaries and open multiple backdoor.
Then remove traces of the malware activity and finally execute malware that execute the cryptomining procedure.

The whole process told in this way seems simple enough and in fact it is!
So first of all remember to set a not weak password! And remember to do not set se same password for all you server....

But how to find if your server is infected?

How to detect if your server is infected.

First of all take a look if your CPU usage is unusually high.
This is pretty simple and should make you suspicious!

Here i report a procedure to detect if your system is infected by a malware used to mining Vollgar.

You should use the powershell in order to execute the script below that you can find at https://github.com/guardicore/labs_campaigns/blob/master/Vollgar/detect_vollgar.ps1


# Script to detect the existence of Vollgar IoCs on an infected machine
#Requires -Version 2.0

$ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
$VollgarFound = $false
# IoCs

$ADMIN_TEMP = "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp"
$FILE_PATHS = "C:\ProgramData\wget.vbs", "C:\ProgramData\SQLAGENTIDC.exe", "C:\RECYCLER\SQLAGENTIDC.exe", "C:\SQLAGENTIDC.exe", "C:\RECYCLER\wget.vbs", "C:\RECYCLER\SQLAGENTIDC.exe", "C:\ProgramData\SQLAGENTIDC.exe", "C:\SQLAGENTIDC.exe", "C:\ProgramData\emsda.vbs", "C:\RECYCLER\emsda.vbs", "$ENV:TEMP\SQLAGENTSWA.exe", "$ENV:TEMP\SQLIOMDSD.exe", "$ENV:TEMP\SQLSernsf.exe", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLSerasi.exe", "startas.bat", "C:\Users\MSSQL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\startas.bat", "C:\Users\MSSQLSERVER\AppData\Local\Temp\startas.bat", "C:\Windows\Temp\startas.bat", "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\Temp\startas.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\startas.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\1\startas.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\2\startas.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\3\startas.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\4\startas.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\5\startas.bat", "startae.bat", "C:\Users\MSSQL~1\AppData\Local\Temp\startae.bat", "C:\Users\MSSQLSERVER\AppData\Local\Temp\startae.bat", "C:\Windows\Temp\startae.bat", "C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\Temp\startae.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\startae.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\1\startae.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\2\startae.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\3\startae.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\4\startae.bat", "$ADMIN_TEMP\5\startae.bat"

$SCHEDULED_TASKS_NAMES = ".NET Framework NGEN v0.2.212294", ".NET Framework NGEN v0.2.212294 64", ".NET Framework NGEN v0.2.213394", ".NET Framework NGEN v0.2.213394 64", ".NET Framework NGEN v0.2.214294", ".NET Framework NGEN v0.2.214294 64", ".NET Framework NGEN v0.2.215394", ".NET Framework NGEN v0.2.215394 64"

Write-Output "Vollgar Campaign Detection Tool"
Write-Output "Written By Guardicore Labs"
Write-Output "Contact us at: labs@guardicore.com`n"

# Detect service 
$serviceFound = Get-Service -Name $SERVICE_NAME
if ($serviceFound) {
   $VollgarFound = $true
   Write-Output "[X] Service $SERVICE_NAME was found on this host."
else {
   Write-Output "[V] Vollgar's malicious service $SERVICE_NAME was not found on this host."

# Detect Added Local User

$userFound = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter "Name='$USER_NAME'"

if ($userFound) {
$VollgarFound = $true
Write-Output "[X] User $USER_NAME was found on this host."
else {
   Write-Output "[V] Vollgar's local user $USER_NAME was not found on this host."

# Detect Dropped Payloads

$payloadsFound = $false
foreach ($pn in $FILE_PATHS) {
if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($pn)) {
$VollgarFound = $payloadsFound = $true
Write-Output "[X] A malicious payload was found in $pn."

if (!$payloadsFound) {
   Write-Output "[V] No malicious payloads were found."

# Check scheduled tasks created by u.exe

$schedtaskFound = $false
foreach ($tn in $SCHEDULED_TASKS_NAMES) {
$taskObj = schtasks.exe /Query /TN $tn 2>$null
if ($taskObj) {
   $VollgarFound = $schedtaskFound = $true
  Write-Output "[X] A malicious scheduled task '$tn' was found on this host."

if (!$schedtaskFound) {
  Write-Output "[V] No malicious scheduled tasks were found."

# Summary 

if ($VollgarFound) {
   Write-Output "`n[X] Evidence for the Vollgar campaign has been found on this host."
else {
   Write-Output "`n[V] No evidence for the Vollgar campaign has been found on this host."


If you found that your sistem is infected please contact a valid an SQL Server Expert!

That's all for today!
See you soon and don't forget please to subscribe to this blog if you want receive a notification when a new post is published!

Luca Biondi @ SQLServerPerformance blog 2020! 

Previous post: SQL Server: About the for triggers and the After triggers


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