How to upgrade the SQL Server Management studio. SSMS 18.5 news. Moreover.. Notebook and the SQL assessment API

Hi Guys,
Welcome back!

I hope you and your family are fine.
Today, after some posts about spatial data type and Machine learning, we will have a light post in which we will talk about the SQL server management studio.
But not only...



What is the SQL server management studio or briefly SMSS?
Well the SSMS is simply a graphical interface to access to the SQL Server database Engine.
For example with the SSMS you can execute every T-SQL command or set options.

But remember:  
Everything you can do with the SSMS you can do sending command directly to the database engine.

Remember also the is always recommended to use the last SSMS.
This is because at each version bugs are fixed and new functionality are inserted.

This month Microsoft released the version 18.5 so what better opportunity to show you how to install this new version?
Are you Ready?

How to install the last SSMS version

This is easy.
First download the last SMSS version from the Microsoft site.
Then execute the file downloaded.
Just remeber to Run as administrator.

Press the button install

The installation will proceed automatically.

At the end you will read the message: Installation completed.

Now you can verify that you have the latest version:

What's new in the 18.5 version?

"Notebook" are added as destination in the generate script wizard.

But...What is a "Notebook"?
In Azure SQL Studio, A SQL Notebook is a human-readable documents that can include rich format text, code, images. 
It can also include the query results set in the documents. DBAs can prepare and run the books, troubleshooting guides, baseline documents to store SQL queries, steps and output of these queries.

So how to generate a notebook?  

It is simple and plain.. From the activity menu choose the Generate Script item.
Choosed your databases, table or object select save a Notebook check.

Now you have a notebook (with ipynb extension) that you can open in azure studio.

Now another topics.
Let's talk noe about SQL Assessment API (in italian language "API valutazione SQL")
This release add some (13) valutation rules.

But what are the SQL Assessment API?

SQL Assessment API provides a mechanism to evaluate the configuration of your SQL Server
The API is delivered with a ruleset containing best practice and this ruleset is enhancing with the release of new versions.
You can consume this API through Azure Studio or through the Powershell.

An example!

For this example execute the Powershell


Before using the APIs they must be installed, so run the powershell as administrator then type:

Install-Module -name SqlServer.

Now you can verify for example what rules are available typing.

Get-Module SqlServer -ListAvailable

Available commands are listed in the ExportedCommands columns.

Now type:

Get-Item SQLSERVER:\SQL\localhost\deafult | Get-SqlAssesmentItem

The Get-SQLAssesmentItem provides a list of available assessment checks for a SQL Server object.

This is a partial list but...
The complete list contain many interesting rules for example the LatestCU rule.
Through the LatestCU rules you can for example knows, from the powershell, if your SQL Server is updated to the lastest CU! 
I know, this is gold for the DBAs!!!


Ok, today we have really seen a lot of things!
How to update SSMS,
What new features are included in the latest version of SSMS the 18.5.
What is a "Notebook"
What are "SQL Assessment APIs"

That's all for today.

I hope you enjoyed this post and i hope to see you soon.
Stay safe!

Luca Biondi @ SQLServerPerformance blog 2020!  

Help me to share knowledge on my blog    


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