All about prepared statements. When to use them to go faster!
Hello friends, Are you ready to learn about prepared statements ? If you are a software developer you will have noticed that a T-SQL statement (a Query) can be prepared. Who knows exactly what that means? If I prepare a query then it runs faster? Today we will answer to all these questions and give some examples. We are interested in using them when they make us go faster! READY? A bit of theory, key concepts! Not only Microsoft SQL Server support prepared statement. Prepared statements is infact a feature of many DMBS like Oracle, DB2, MySQL and PostgreSQL. The main idea is to split the execution of a statement in two parts. During the first part called preparation the T-SQL will be parsed, analyzed and optimized. During the last part called execution parameters will be binded and the command will be executed. When is this feature useful? This feature is useful when the same command must be executed many times . There are unfortunately some limitations to consider. Some Limitatio...