Speed up your Inserts and Updates ...after learning how the Write Ahead Logging mechanism works
Hi Friends, Thanks for the many views on this blog, i am really happy! Today i will show you a way to speed up your inserts and updates . This require an explanation (and i hope to do it clearly) of how writing data to disk works. We will talk about Durability , Write ahead logging mechanism and the Log Buffer . As always the one and only way to make SQL Server run faster is to ... know in detail how it works! Enjoy the reading! Intro: ACID properties and the durability Let's take a step back hanging up to a post written some time ago. I would invite you infact to read a post i wrote in 2019, the title is SQL Server: Transazioni, Lock e Deadlock. Un po di teoria spiegata in modo semplice! We talked about transactions, locks and ACID properties ( Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, e Durability) of a DBMS. Today we need to remember what durability means. So, what durability means? Durability means that once a transaction has been confirmed changes made must n...